Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bermulanya sebuah perjalanan..

Actually the house was considered as an unexpected buy.

on one fine Sunday (27th May 2012), kitorg keboringan kat rumah. dlm duk lepak2 tengok tv tetiba mr husband ajak pegi jalan2 makan angin. sebab dah selalu sangat ke KL dan shopping mall, so kalini we decided utk ubah angin, jalan2 amik feel tengok show house.

tujuan? nak hilangkan boring duduk rumah di hari Ahad. hehehe

so we chose Pajam. why Pajam? sebab kat situ ada launch rumah semi-d yg besar, sambil2 boleh berangan cari motivation utk kumpul duit dan beli rumah.. and the other reason, sebab diorg ada show house yg bukak on Sunday! heheehe :p

so off we went to Pajam, lalu guna LEKAS hiway. surprisingly, the house was just 20mins away from our current home!

sampai ke sales opis, terus kitorg dibawa ke show houses.bila sampai Pajam, tengok rumah banyaaakkk yg under construction.semua besar2 dan cantik2 finishing dan design nya.. kebetulan sales person yg entertain tu tersangat peramah.. dan tersangat bagus PRnya. rumah pun cantik dan cukup besar utk kami berdua..

sales person in charge tu pulak bgtau kalau interested, kena terus book by 31st May utk dapat RM8k rebate. we spent like 3-4hours kat showhouses tu, dan another 1-2 hours kat sales office. mmg tersangat berkenan dgn rumah2 tu semua..

type A

type B

so pikir punya pikir punya pikir punya pikir.... (the night balik dr tengok show houses tu kitorg tak tido, okeh! pening duk pikir nak beli ke tak... hehehe). mmg stress okeh! sebab nk kena buat major decisions dlm masa yg singkat!

the next morning hubby pergi bayar rm5k utk booking rumah! hehehhe dan by May 31st, we paid rm10k (so dapatler rm8k rebate!hehe).

we made the decision to buy our dream house in less than 1 week!! errr 4 days to be exact! :D

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